2025 Sponsorship Packages, Ticket and Donation Options

In order to be listed as a 2025 sponsor please submit by Sunday, April 29, 2025.
Sponsorships purchased after April 29, 2025 will not appear on the program.

Presenting Sponsor   $30,000

  • Three premier tables of 10 with 30 valet passes for guests
  • Headline recognition in press materials
  • Recognition by CEO from the podium
  • Logo recognition on event screens and program book

Signature Sponsor   $15,000

  • Two preferred table of 10 with 20 valet passes for guests
  • Recognition by CEO from the podium
  • Logo recognition on event screens and program book

Gardenia Table    $10,000

  • One table of 10 with 10 valet passes for guests
  • Logo recognition on event screens and program book

Lily Table    $5,000

  • One table of 10 with five valet passes for guests
  • Company name recognition on event screens and program book

Rose Table     $2,500

  • One table of 10
  • Company name recognition on event screens and program book

Tulip   $150.00

  • One individual ticket

Student   $35.00

  • One individual student ticket with student I.D.

If you cannot attend, feel free to donate!

$25 Donation – Gift of Warmth

  • $25 THE GIFT OF WARMTH—Provides socks for children

$50 Donation – Gift Of Hope

  • $50 THE GIFT OF HOPE— Provides warm blankets, linens and towels to families living at the shelter

$100 Donation – Gift Of New Beginnings

  • $100 THE GIFT OF NEW BEGINNINGS—Provides one month’s supply of diapers and baby formula

$150 Donation – Gift Of Shelter

  • $150 THE GIFT OF SHELTER — Provides emergency services: beds, meals, transportation and supportive services for the women and children

$250 Donation – Gift Of Recovery

  • $250 THE GIFT OF RECOVERY—Provides counseling, case management and legal services

$500 Donation – Gift Of Food

  • $500 THE GIFT OF FOOD —Feeds one family for a month